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Executive counselling has been tailor made to the need of knowledge workers starting from students to professional. The type of work problems for which you could seek help are,
If you are not feeling motivated or passionate on your work environment and feels that it affects your mood and happiness then executive counselling will equip you to help yourself through psychometric analysis, video counselling, telephonic and chat counselling. In course of the counselling process if it is diagnosed that you are having psycho-somatic symptoms and you are mentally unwell we will recommend you to the best neuro-psychiatrist or psychotherapist near your city. If you are showing symptoms of suicidal tendencies your nearest relative will be notified.
It is becoming increasingly clear that mental health issues are negatively affecting corporate performance necessitating health care cost containment and managing health care disability. Corporate culture is the fabric on which employee motivation and mental health are dyed upon. Many studies have proved that rising health care costs are eating away the profits of many mega corporation. Because corporate mental health and productivity is linked, it is imperative that functioning managers and leaders of organisations are sensitive to this dynamics in bring in not only corporate cultural change but also in imparting skills in mental health management of employees. However unlike conventional HR practises like employee engagement programs mental health management can be imparted only through adequate training and skill development in the understanding of Psychological aspects of employee management and its resultant effects .
This area of intervention requires adequate training on sensitising the management, leaders and managers on mental health issues affecting the system. There is also a need to develop a management strategy to translating mental health issues into operational matters to improve productivity and motivation and there by cost reduction. It is here a combination of corporate therapy and consulting is required through group counselling and sensitisation workshops, which we call as emotional first aid clinics.
Executive counselling has now stepped into this domain and intends to conduct such clinics for the above mentioned purpose. These workshops are 4-6 hour participatory workshops on the importance and basic understanding of mental health issues affecting corporate management along with theoretical foundations for the same. These interactive workshops will be based on experience sharing and equipping the participant in adequate skills in group management. Similarly the group therapy modules in the clinic will identify distressed employees through Psychometric tools and provide individual and group counselling to them improving their productivity.
Organisations interested can write to for association .
Rajesh Menon is a practicing management professional and Counselor with more than 22 years of experience in project management, business development and corporate strategy.
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